Reading Spanish articles behind paywalls

small update: there are tools out there that outperform the post below. e.g. this or this which exploits google's cached views of those articles.
Such a nice reminder that a proper search might result in something better than simply code an idea from scratch

Bypassing dumb article paywalls

Nowadays there's a tendency to pay for other people's effort. Which is nice. However, it is annoying to get lured by a tweet or link and then not being able to read the content (in a place that you are not going to subscribe for an article a year). Some of them can (could?) be bypassed using incognito mode. Others don't. But there's a next step that you can make to bypass the paywall.
I am not OK with massive piracy but, you know, I guess this is what happens when things are poorly implemented. You may consider it edgy but i guess it is fine to apply some evolutionary pressure to our internet ecosystem. Like it happened with SQL databases back in 2010s.


The other day, when checking my twitter feed I saw @fouroctets tweet about this (this idea is not mine). Unfortunately he has a lock now and I cannot share the tweet. In summary, you can read plaintext paywalled articles in page source (sometimes). This original tweet showed the "flaw" in a popular US journal. Then, I thought that the very mistake could be happening elsewhere. Thus, I'll check few Spanish journals using BeautifulSoup.

In [24]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import json

url = ''
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
In [25]:
# page.content # #uncomment for spam

here we can see that after "a pesar de su oposici\xc3\xb3n." we have a /p><section class="more_info | border_1 border_top pull_right">... just skip it until target="_blank"> and voilá! full article text is there (ends in </p><section id="ctn_closed_article")

In [27]:
# with this we can retrieve paragraphs
for item in soup.findAll('p', attrs={'class' : ""})[1:]:
    # print(item.contents) # uncomment to print :) 
    # Won't share text that is not mine in the site
In [74]:
body_content = []
for item in soup.findAll('p', attrs={'class' : ""})[1:-3]: 
    # concat paragraph content
    c_content = item.contents
    if c_content is None:
    if len(c_content)>1:
        body_content += [
            "".join([str(x) for x in c_content])
        body_content += [str(c_content[0])]
# print('\n\n'.join(body_content))
In [28]:
# look for </script><script type="application/ld+json">
# there we have **everything**, but hyperlinks are not present in bodyContent, 
# just retrieve title and subtitle
scr = soup.findAll('script', type="application/ld+json")
d = json.loads(
) # actual content
In [ ]:
html_header = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
with open("output.html", "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:
            '<p>'+('</p><p>'.join(body_content))+'</p>'+ # join paragraphs with p tags
            '\n  '.join([
                f'<img src="{d["image"][i]["url"]}" width="280">' for i in range(len(d['image'])) 
                # append images at the bottom. TODO: since this might be crucial in some articles,
                # it would be nice to rework it at some point so that they get inserted where they should
# once all of them work, try using some css so it is not that ugly

And that's it. We have an ugly html with the "paywalled" content.
You can find a small utility here, to make your life easier (supports several sites, tested in ubuntu).
I'd like to thank AFont24 for his help, suggestions and pull requests while preparing the repo.

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